You can arrange your pages in hierarchies, for example you could have an “About” page that has “Life Story” and “My Dog” pages under it. There are no limits to how deeply nested you can make pages.
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Category: Media Appearances
- And Then the Internet Was Funny
- Bitches Aiding Alabama
- Cover models, Pectorals and Me in the New York Post
- Flavorwire looks at Smart Bitches
- I can has book deal? Yes! I can!
- I get to use the word "douchebag" at HuffPo
- I'm A Pop Culture Human, Standing Next to Drew Barrymore
- I'm a Woman... of GLO!
- Information Today, Inc, and LibreDigital
- My Summer Reading List
- New York Daily News looks at Romance and New Moon
- NY Times Obituary for Kate Duffy, Kensington Editor
- On NPR's Monkey See Blog, Harlequin Titles and Women's Desires
- Publishers Weekly
- Publishing Trends on How Book Reviews are Changing
- Romance Covers Updated and More Awesome-er
- Romance Novels: Smarter Than You Think
- Romance, me and my dogs in The New York Times!
- Salon's Laura Miller on Book Trailers
- Sarah in The New York Times
- Sarah Interviewed by Sean, blogger at Sean's Ramblings
- Sarah Wendell at Virgin Night
- Sarah Wendell on Urban Elitist
- Sarah Wendell on WPIX Morning News
- SB Sarah on The Gayle King Show
- SheKnows Romance Reading List
- Smart Bitch Sarah in Bitch Magazine
- Smart Bitch Sarah in Metro:New York
- Smart Bitch Sarah in People Magazine
- Smart Bitch Sarah in Publishers Weekly
- Smart Bitch Sarah in USA Today
- Smart Bitch Sarah Interviewed by Maya Rodale
- Smart Bitch Sarah...Reads
- Smart Bitches in Marie Claire Magazine!
- Smart Bitches Interviewed at Writer Unboxed Way Back in '06
- Smart Bitches, Beyond Heaving Bosoms, and Romance All Over Australia
- The Big Money: Digital Publishing
- The New York Times looks at iPhone Reading
- The New Yorker: US Historical Settings (and bodices)
- Twitter: I'm not me me me!
- USA Today
- USA Today: Printing Romance Positive Articles? HECK YES!
- Washington Post Features Romance Summer Reading
- GeekDad Blog on Sony Reader and Smart Bitches
- Category: Audio
- Category: Digital
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