Sarah Wendell
By day Sarah Wendell is mild mannered and heavily caffeinated. By evening she dons her cranky costume, consumes yet more caffeine, and becomes Smart Bitch Sarah of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. The site specializes in reviewing romance novels, examining the history and future of the genre, and bemoaning the enormous prevalence of bodacious pectorals adorning male cover models.
She writes!
Sarah is the author of the book, , published in 2011 from Sourcebooks. Featuring wisdom from romance readers and bestselling authors, “Everything I Know About Love, I Learned From Romance Novels,” or “EIKAL,” for short, puts to rest the sad idea that romances create unrealistic expectations of love, relationships, and sex.
In April 2009, was published by Touchstone Fireside, co-authored by Sarah and her partner in nefarious deeds, Candy Tan. The Bosoms, as the book is better known, has been used in syllabi at Princeton University, Yale University, and DePaul University in coursework examining the role of romances in popular fiction. Academic Bosoms!
She talks a lot!
In addition to writing, Sarah talks a lot. A goofy and irreverent speaker on diverse topics, Sarah travels quite a bit and always enjoys meeting and speaking with romance readers. Sarah was an honoured guest of the first annual GenreCon in Sydney Australia in 2012. She also gave the keynote addresses at PubCamp2011, hosted immediately prior to SXSW Interactive, and at the 2011 Book Blogger Convention, held prior to Book Expo America. Sarah has spoken at Romance Writers of America’s national conference, at the Romantic Times BookLovers’ Convention, and at several RWA chapter conferences and meetings. Sarah was also invited to speak as part of the closing plenary panel at the first academic conference devoted to the romance genre, Love as the Practice of Freedom, at Princeton University in April 2009. She was also invited to speak on the subject of digital publishing and the female romance reader at the Digital Book World 2011 Opening Ceremonies. Sarah has spoken at the Digital Book Conference of the International Digital Publishing Forum in May 2009 and at the O’Reilly Tools of Change in Publishing Conference in 2009 and 2010.
And about that Man Titty Media Pundit title…
Sarah has been interviewed for and quoted in People Magazine, The New Yorker,The New York Times, The New York Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Metro:New York, USA Today and Publishers Weekly. Her writing has appeared in Narrative Magazine, Tango Magazine, and in the SmartPop book .
Sarah has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s Steven and Chris Show, and on Too Many Books. She was also, at the age of 5, in the feature film The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh.
Sarah abhors writing about herself in the third person. Third person is not her friend. In fact, she finds third person the written equivalent of wet toast. She promises that her next bio will be written in CAPSLOCK with ample use of the passive voice. Like you do.