Posted April 10, 2009 to Digital, Media Appearances
Sean and I go way back – since high school. He’s one of those people whose blog reveals a lot more about his sense of humor than you might have guessed upon meeting him, so it was a bucket of fun to .
Fabio: Yay or Nay?
Until recently he was a solid “Yay.” He knows exactly why he’s famous, and he doesn’t seem to take himself seriously – from the Nationwide commercial to the America’s Next Top Model appearance to the insistence that he can’t believe it’s not butter, he acted like he was in on his own joke.
Then I discovered that maybe, perhaps, the Fab-ster does indeed take himself too seriously. When I tried to interview him for the book, and I contacted his fan club, his agent, his manager, and anyone who had long blond hair and mammoth pectorals, but he didn’t return the calls. Totally his loss.