April 5: Chatting with Julie James at B&N, 86th and Lex, NYC!

Posted March 25, 2013 to Personal Appearances

I’ll be chatting with Julie James at the , about her new book Love, Irresistibly ( | BN | K | | | iB ).

There will be a book signing, so if you’ve wanted to meet Julie James and get a signed copy of her new book, this is your opportunity! B&N says we’re going to “dish about James’ latest novel, Love Irresistibly, and the romance genre in general in this no-holds-barred event.”


I hope you’ll come join us. The last time I did a live chat at the UES B&N, it was with Nalini Singh, and it was a blast. It’s a fantastic space for an author event, and the staff there is superbly awesome. I hope to see you there!


Notes from the Keynote Address

Posted May 31, 2011 to Personal Appearances

I gave the keynote address at the 2011 Book Blogger’s Convention after BEA this year, and my speech was written up for Shelf Awareness:

“Having a website is a lot like having a child,” Wendell suggested, and one of her first bits of advice came from a parenting guide, Wendy Mogel’s The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: keep two pieces of paper in your pocket at all times; one says, “I am but a grain of sand,” while the other reads, “The world was created for me.” Along with that balance of humility and self-esteem, Wendell identified three other traits–authenticity, consistency and generosity–as crucial to any successful blog, and also noted that while praise from online reviewers might be viewed with skepticism, criticism can catch readers’ attention: “If I say something smells bad,” she quipped, “you’re totally going to sniff it!” When readers discover a shared breaking point for what constitutes bad writing, she explained, it helps bolster the reviewer’s credibility.

Giving that speech was a terrible amount of fun, and I’m honored that I was asked to do it.

Smart Bitch Sarah at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Posted September 14, 2009 to Personal Appearances

I was at the Brooklyn Book Festival, the largest book fair in the New York area on Sunday 13 September 2009, moderating a panel with romance authors Donna Hill, Anna DePalo, and Rochelle Alers. The panel was titled “Love: The Unstoppable Bestseller,” and despite my being stuck in traffic for 2.5 hours and arriving in the middle of the panel in progress (OH the EMBARRASSMENT) it went off very well.

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Check It Out!

I was a guest on The Gayle King show on October 10, talking about Everything I Know About Love, I Learned from Romance Novels. Here’s a 1:10 clip from the show where I highlight the top two lessons learned from reading romance novels. I received a TON of compliments about my necklace and my shoes [...]


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