Posted June 05, 2012 to Digital, Media Appearances, Print
The Washington Post has published their summer reading section (or will this weekend). This year they decided to feature , and they asked me to write it -hot diggity!
Let me tell you. I HAD A WORD LIMIT. I don’t usually write with a word limit. It’s the internet! There’s no limit! For WaPo? Word limit! I had a word limit and I wanted to mention as many great summer reads as possible, while also featuring books of several different lengths. I was trying so hard to fit one more book in that column; I was about ready to end with “BOOK. GOOD. READ.” But alas, word limits, they are mighty things – and so is being edited. I’ve never been so terse in my life.
But I’m so, so pleased that WaPo is featuring romance in their summer reading section – woohoo!

Posted April 03, 2012 to Digital, Media Appearances, Video
On 3 April 2012, I was interviewed live alongside Racheal Deahl from Publishers Weekly about the landslide success of Fifty Shades of Grey. I can’t embed the video, alas, but the full segment is online at the WPIX website.
Tags: live television, news, wpix

Posted October 17, 2011 to Audio
It’s come to my attention that the chart in EIKAL renders like hot buttered crap in eInk devices. I’m sorry! I have heard it may even display differently depending on the digital format. Again: I SUCK. I really like charts. A LOT.
So! Here: have a PDF chart! EXTRA – What Romance Are You (PDF 52k). Please right click and download.
But wait, there’s more! I know that charts can render oddly for the devices that visually impaired – which probably explains why when I’ve researched opportunities to volunteer and read books aloud, so many list describing scientific charts and diagrams as the most pressing need.
So I’ve recorded myself reading the chart – not very well, but I did what I could. It’s very much Not Professional. But, here’s the mp3: mp3 Audio Chart Explanation (2MB).
It’s just me describing the chart, but if there’s visually impaired readers out there who wanted to know what I was going on about, well, enjoy.
Sorry about the chart and the eInk, y’all. I really, really like charts. I’ll try to break up with them. Soon.