Romance Covers Updated and More Awesome-er

Posted March 27, 2011 to Digital, Media Appearances

I was quoted in an article on the Today Show website at MSNBC that focused on the updated romance novel cover designs – which are getting better every year. featured me, as well as Harlequin books, Carina Press, Pam Regis (the Original Scholar of Romance), and a few other fine folks explaining how romance covers feature strong women – which coincidentally are often found inside the books as well:

“The era of Fabio is long, long, past,” said Sarah Wendell, a romance novel fan who runs the extensive blog Smart Bitches Trashy Books….

“It’s more of the guy next door look, rather than the Fabio beefcake look,” said Green.

Many publishers feature a headless man or couple, showcasing just their lusty bodies. “Readers don’t want to be told what the hero or heroine looks like,” said Wendell. “They want to control that with their imaginations.”

It’s true- the covers have moved away from beefcake to images of women of unquestionable strength. Next up: I hope we can move away from the clinch cover featuring hair styling via absolutely bizarre wind patterns.

Check It Out!

I was a guest on The Gayle King show on October 10, talking about Everything I Know About Love, I Learned from Romance Novels. Here’s a 1:10 clip from the show where I highlight the top two lessons learned from reading romance novels. I received a TON of compliments about my necklace and my shoes [...]


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